Dr. Cohen has had extensive medical-legal experience in the capacity of:
In the capacity of Expert Witness, Dr. Cohen acts as both teacher and translator for the attorney who has retained him. He communicates well with thoughtful examples to attorneys, judges, and juries.
In the capacity of Independent Medical Examiner, he conducts an extensive, thorough, and impartial examination of the injured party, ensuring that all complaints and issues are addressed at the time of the evaluation. Appropriate history is taken and testing is performed in order to arrive at a medical determination, which is then presented in consultation and/or written report form.
Dr. Cohen has considerable experience with depositions and has testified in front of judge and jury. He speaks with authority on all aspects of his specialty with clear, concise communication that is based on both scientific fact and experience, while avoiding medical terminology, but rather speaking in terms easily understood by the general public
For more information, please visit his expert witness website.